
Simple Order API + 3DS

Parameters, values and description
Flag that specifies whether to include the authorisation service in the request
Authorisation type
Flag that specifies whether to include the enrolment service in the request
Reference ID that corresponds to the device fingerprinting data that was collected previously
Your merchant ID
Order reference or tracking number that you generate
Provide a unique value for each transaction so that you can perform meaningful searches for the transaction
Defines the value of the order. Must be 0 or greater and can include decimals, depending on country denominations
The local billing currency, when the purchaseTotals_currency field is set the customer's billing currency
City in the billing address
Country in the billing address
Customer's email address, including full domain name
Customer's first name
Customer's surname
Customer's postal code
Customer's postal code
Payment card number or network token
Three-digit value that indicates the card type.
This field is required for the Payer Authentication Check Enrollment and Validation services. 001=VISA, 002=Mastercard, 003=American Express
Two-digit month in which the payment card expires
Format: MM
Four-digit year in which the payment card expires
Format: yyyy
Card Verification Number
Non-adjustable parameters
This is connected to the SOAP Toolkit Key created within the EBC. May also be referenced within the 'cybs.ini' file
Found within Payment Configuration > Payer Authentication Configuration. Direct copy/paste
Found within Payment Configuration > Payer Authentication Configuration. Direct copy/paste from the API Key field
Unique, time-limited identifier, mandatory for 3D Secure
Web Services Description Language, endpoint defined for the libraries to target
N-Version Progamming Web Services Description Language, endpoint defined for the libraries to target